NGC 281, Pacman Nebula

Published by 285 on 7 de septiembre de 2008 a las 21:04.

Foto tomada el jueves 31 julio 2008 en Ager, Spain

[Cámara CCD]
ARTEMIS - 4021
3h Ha, 2h SII, 2h OIII

[Foco primario]
VIXEN - VC200L (Visac)

Lens: Vixen VC200L
F/stop: 6.4
Exposure: 8x900'' SII, 12x900'' Ha 7nm, 8x15' OIII with Baader filters
Mount: Vixen Sphinx Deluxe
Camera: Artemis 4021
Guiding: Throught WO 66 f5.9 with Meade DSI and PhD guiding software
Location: Ager, Lleida (for Ha subexp.) and Rasos de Peguera for ([SII] and [OIII])
Date: August 23rd for Ha, August 29th for OIII and SII subframes. 2008
Processing: Calibrated and aligned with DSS, stacked with MaximDL and postprocessed with PixInsight 1.2


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